wow. what a way to bookend a weekend.
thursday i took down a post i had put up, as it involved my neice having gone missing. in the end, i was unfortuneately correct with my guess, but still.... big enough city. abduction. rape. lots of bad shit happens these days. to be honest, I had my hunch, but still... feared for the worst.
i'll admit, it actually scared the shit out of me. ok... so there's some history of attitude and rebelliousness. and i don't stay in touch as much as i should - so i don't really know what's going on at home. frankly - i don't think it's really my business.
but, i don't understand (and don't try and explain it to me if you think i just don't "get it", i know i don't) why she would choose to run away. you got it - organized it with some other friends via msn, and a bunch of them ran away one night. hunch confirmed. now i know times are hard, and there's a lot of pressure, but c'mon now.... in this day and age, that is insanely stupid.
you want to cause your folks some worry - you camp at a friends place to piss them off. safely. leave them a note. give them something. i doubt you would find many parents who would shrug, say 'good riddance' and do nothing. fabulous. way to rebel - i hate you, so i'm going to go get myself killed. fanfuckingtastic.
so, i'm glad i was right, but kind of dissapointed too. hell, i would have hid her for a couple days. i've been there, thought about it, thought past it.... (i'm the responsible type - don't explain it, because i'll never understand). please, just pull your head out of your ass before you make decisions like that.
anyway, she's safe. she was spotted by the folks in a mall, standing next to a cop, in handcuffs. i'm pretty sure that'll be an interesting story on it's own.
now, fast forward to this morning, as i'm leaving for work. go through the standard rituals. hug the little one. shake his hand. give him a kiss on his head.
and the little tike blows me a kiss. the first one he's ever done.
yes, maybe a little saccharine for monday, but at least i can smile with the realization i have another 12 years or so before i have to worry about the great start to the weekend.
at least i hope for another 12.
6 months ago
Glad to hear that she's okay..and the story about the little one is too cute. Let's hope that you never have to worry about a weekend like that with him.
joe: i'm somewhat aghast to learn i have a blog reader - what with how lame and occasional it is.
i'm told, girls are easier when they are young, and really tough to raise when they're older. boys, are supposed to be a challenge when they're young, and easier when they're older.
can't tell you how much i'm hoping that's true - cause if he get's worse as he gets older, i won't make it.
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