Sunday, March 05, 2006


recently finished:

  • the hostile hospital, book the eighth (lemony snicket): i was amused. maybe it's because i forgot i had pulled this one out a month ago, and it has sat hidden under a pile of miscellany until yesterday. maybe it's because i was tired to the point of exhausted and had trouble seeing straight. it seemed less forced that the last one - probably my imagination. still... amused.
  • the scroll of saqqara (pauline gedge): gag. i've been a big pauline gedge fan since she started: child of the morning, the eagle and the raven, stargate. this one was monotonous, and in many places worse than a harlequin romance novel. the saving grace is the vast amount of research she does - so you know at least the placement, family lines, etc are pretty much as accurate as possible. the plot was thin - and easy to figure out early in the book. this one, was my upstairs washroom book for about 2 months. i almost didn't bother finishing it.

recently watched:

  • fun with dick and jane (jim carrey, tia leoni; remake of a '77 film): will own this one. saw it in "cheap" theatre (i assume these are universal? cut rate 2nd class theatres that show movies for half or less than the standard chain?) laugh out loud funny. laughed so hard in parts, i missed dialogue. in the style of liar liar, but a better blend of physical/slaptick and humour comedy. better than bruce almighty (mostly because it's a little less guy based penis joke style humour). didn't realize it was a remake, but should have guessed when i saw mordecai richler's name in the screenwriter credits.
  • skeleton key: renter. like most of my movies, i own it because it was cheaper than seeing it in the theatre. it was decent, and even though i had most of the plot figured out, it did through a couple of twists. besides, i like kate hudson. she's a cutie and a decent actress. a nice gothic style horror flick, with some pretty creepy stuff in areas. not a slash and gore, nor an 'edge of my seat' thriller, but still solid. watch it again? when the right night &/or mood hits. it will most likely survive a thinning when i get around to it.

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