Wednesday, March 15, 2006


things have been sort of hectic lately, and with what free time i have (with work causing some serious interruptions to personal time) i've been trying to revamp the kidlings website as his 2nd birthday approaches. holy shit - 2 years already. anyway.....

recently finished:

  • rachael & leah (orson scott card): the third book of his 'women of genesis' series. which sort of irked me, because it's going to be four books - due to the necessity of having to split this particular story. it's a good series. no one breathes life into his characters like card does (ok, very very very few do). from his sci-fi to his biblical/historical stuff, i've read them all, and with the exception of his initial foray into the horror genre - i own them all. (for a first horror novel, it was pretty good, but i'll never go back and read it so i passed it on).
  • pilgrim (timothy findley): ok, so here's a guy that rivals card for character development and believability. second book of his i've read that deals with psychotherapy. this one uses carl gustav jung as a main character. i thought it was brilliant, and disturbing, and loved it. however, i feel seriously behind the times, as this book is not his newest, and i found out he had passed away only recently. i started with 'not wanted on the voyage', and haven't been able to get enough findley. great stuff
recently started:
  • the carnivorous carnival, book the ninth (the lemony snicket)
  • accordian crimes (annie proulx) - you may recognize the name from 'the shipping news'
recently watched:
ok... this is kind of a sad area - nothing really new, as i've been tossing in old stuff i've watched because i'm not really paying attention to it - sort of background with the whole web thing happening. so... there will be a list, but no commentary (or at least not much) for the stuff i've watched since the last library post.
  • chocolat: great movie. love depp. were i prone to such things, i might cry everytime i watch it. as i'm not, i just crave chocolate.
  • the corpse bride: burton rocks. fabulous movie. original, but sort of comes across a bit 'nightmare before christmas' - this is due to the style it's done in. classic elfman songs and score.
  • the terminal: best role i've seen tom hanks in. freakin' brilliant movie. poignant and touching, but not stupidly. and it has stanley tucci & catherine zeta jones.
  • cherish: a goofy romance movie about a woman accused of a crime she didn't commit. great 80's based soundtrack (assuming you like such things). i picked it up on a lark, and was thrilled with it. (did the same with a flick named 'jet lag' - and was just as thrilled)
  • father's little dividend: the better half has a soft spot for old b&w movies. it was just that to me - and slightly amusing, but i didn't really pay much attention to this one. don't get me wrong - love some of them, but this was really fluff even back then. a sequel to the original 50's father of the bride.

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