Thursday, September 14, 2006


i hurt myself. well, fuck - remember when i said i was waiting for that mystical "third"? because well all know shit happens in threes? well, fuck me - guess what......

this, is your shoulder....

and this, is your shoulder when you slip on the wet floor at work, fall like an ungainly swan doing an olympic dive in cement shoes, use your right arm to absorb the entire impact generated by your fall, and then stand up and realize......

fuck.... i can't move my arm. at all. and it hurts. A LOT.
you guessed it - dislocated my shoulder and spent the day at the hospital. morphine was my friend. now i sit here in an immobilization sling for the next 4-6 weeks.

should make work and holidays interesting. the workers comp paperwork sure was :P i ain't going in to work tomorrow.

grrrrrrr. can i go home yet?!

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