Tuesday, December 05, 2006


warning... geek oriented post. proceed at your own risk.

my biggest challenge with everything going on (especially at work) is being able to remember and organize it.

i had a friend suggest a wiki. but most of those require a server backend of some type. although there are now several free online wikis available that have recently become available - and google bought out jot, which was supposed to be a really great pay service that should now become free when they finish merging the technology. eventually. a couple i ran across that are free (because they advertise inside your wiki) can be found here. i haven't tried these, but if you're interested....

  • http://www.xwiki.com
  • http://www.schtuff.com
for a while i was using wikidpad - a windows based program that was self contained, and generated a wiki that was easy to access. the problem then of course became accessing the files from more than one spot.

the same friend also recommended a book he had heard about called 'getting things done' (hereafter referred to as "gtd") by david allen. i bought it, and it seems interesting - i've been meaning to get into it in my spare time at work. it uses a couple of basic organization concepts to help streamline the mess. wikidpad had a 'to do' style plugin to assist in the gtd style which was nice.

imagine the thrill i felt when i was hunting through personal wikis a couple days ago, when i discovered tiddlywiki. a single page application based wiki. and cool too. go look. play. check out the javascript in the source code. it'll make your head spin. to be honest i think i skipped it when i was first looking because it uses 'tiddlers' - which made me sort of shake my head. i'm glad i went back and took a second look.

then i found a version based on tiddlywiki called monkeygtd. monkeygtd is a version that uses a set of gtd plugins, and has been designed for projects. bliss. nirvana. and if you don't like monkeygtd, try d3 - a kinkless based gtd (kinkless being a set of applescripts for creating a gtd framwork in omni outlinerpro on mac)

and then to top it off.... i discovered tiddlyspot. so what you ask.... tiddlyspot is a free hosting service that creates a tiddlywiki based wiki. no installation. update it online and offline. so as long as you have a net connection, you're good to go. and they have 6 basic templates - 2 of which are gtd oriented - monkeygtd & d3.

i think i just died and went to heaven.

i hope you'll join me

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