Friday, August 25, 2006


ok, i've been tagged. twice actually, but since this is the easiest one, i'll do it first.
tagged by grant - hey buddy, let me know if this qualifies or if i have to set my hair on fire.

So here's a modified meme. Grab the nearest book, whatever it is, go to page 123, find the 4th sentence, and then type in the next five sentences.

And if you're gong to attempt to clear up a big backlog of e-mails staged in "in", you'll actually discover it's more efficient to process the last-in first because of all the discussion threads that accumulate on top of one another.

One Item at a Time
You may find you have a tendency, while processing your in-basket, to pick something up, not know exactly what you want to do about it, and then let your eyes wander onto another item farther down the stack and get engaged with it. That item may be more attractive to your psyche because you know right away what to do with it - and you dont' feel like thinking about what's in your hand. This is dangerous territory.

from Getting things Done, by David Allen

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