Wednesday, February 01, 2006

random moments in time.....

the fromage du jour..... an image i've always found appealing. not sure if it's the 'fuck the world' attitude, or just the pure kitsch of the thing. but it's always had appeal to me.

going through some old writings.... some of what will appear in the next bit is recycled material to me, but things that continue to strike me later when i go back and revisit them.

to live with my scars
it to constantly remember
the moment of my wounding.

caesars lean and hungry friends.
they eat the dark, who only stand and breathe.
(if you know where these are from , please let me know.)

"& this journal will be destroyed . . .
must be destroyed. It is a poet's place to lay
bare thoughts that others must deny even
having, but poetry is dead & I soon will
be & I refuse to leave these thoughts
where prying eyes will find them.
& yet I must write about it all
or go mad."
-Dan Simmons, The Great Lover.

i am the one orgasmatron,
the outstretched grasping hand,
my image is of agony,
my servants rape the land . . .
obsequious and arrogant,
clandestine and vain,
two thousand years of misery,
of torture in my name. . .
hypocrisy made paramount,
paranoia the law,
my name is called religion,
sadistic, sacred whore.
-k. schmaltz

end fromage....

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