Saturday, February 25, 2006


recently finished:

  • lost city (clive cussler): amusing male brain candy. fun read, but borders on formulaic. darkly handsome main character, sidekick, impossible trouble/evil, female bombshell, good guys win. but they are fun. even though when you read a dirk pitt and a kurt austen at the same time, you can easily mix up the characters with no real impact.

recently watched:
  • serenity: can't stop the signal. defenite own. action, adventure, sci-fi, thriller - a la joss whedon. based in the firefly universe (had heard of firefly - after having seen this i will be actively hunting for firefly on dvd.) and is a supposed finale for the dropped tv show. if you like joss' sense of humour (buffy the vampire slayer, angel, firefly, click on his name above for more details) you'll love this irreverent, quirky, action packed escapade. and the outakes are funny.
  • star wars iv, a new hope: must own/cult classic. saw them in the theatre. owned them on video. saw the re-release in the theaters. bought the box set (still unopened if anyone thinks they're a collector's item and wants to make an offer ;) recently bought the dvd box set. haven't watched them in 10 years since the re-release. still great. good story. good effects. bad hair. oh well.....
  • catch me if you can: solid renter. dicaprio is pretty good, hanks plays fbi so straightman works, chrisopher walken and a spielberg to boot. story is good, fun, and tragic all rolled up - not to mention based on real life (or at least inspired). "did you want to hear me tell a joke? sure.... knock, knock... who's there? go fcuk yourself."

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