Thursday, February 01, 2007

madcap recap....

oh yeah... happy anniversary - it's been a year. the post you've really been waiting for follows this one below.

flashback. madcap recap:

the start:

  • intention: reflection and personal growth. that was part of the reason for starting this blog. (well, that and providing technical support to someone else who had just started blogging - since i had never seen it, i needed to sign up.)
  • reality: that kind of shit takes time, and space, and quiet - and frankly between home with a 3 year old, hours of driving in traffic, and a job that... well, leaves no time for anything other than panic - it hasn't happened. it needs to, it just hasn't happened. besides, it's work.
  • meh. had a good vacation :) [click here to read about it - but it is long]
  • personal growth: nah - mostly covered that.
  • survived another year of work - barely. since the major benefit of my medical plan is that it covers the two drugs i need to control my stress induced hypertension..... well.... you get the picture. (you can lookup the labels suckage, job, interviews, and anger management - they'll probably cover mostly work.) edit: i take that back - suckage turned out to mostly be me just whining about my personal life.
medical (you know... the fun stuff):
  • july 2006 - vasectomy. i spend the morning with an old polish doctor with ice cold hands cupping my testicles. am pronounced sterile 6 months later.... 6 months. The average is supposed to be 30 days, or you can "assist" by spanking the monkey around 20 times to clean the system out. apparently i was "quite fertile" according to the doc', because i slapped that little furry bastard around almost daily for those 6 months. i almost cried from relief when the test finally came back clear.
  • september 2006 - dislocated shoulder. let's just go with fuck that hurt. and was of course two weeks before my vacation. thankfully i was out of the sling and able to drive.
  • october-december 2006. colds. flus. various illnesses. some we seem to have brought back from the states. others i traded at work. everyone in the house sick at the same time. various times. culminating in a bout of hacking so bad i almost barfed up a lung on my manager. luckily i got to skip a bunch of budget meetings because i was contagious.
  • december 2006 - minor chemical burn in the left eye. i don't think blogged about this one... but in going to prep my mom's christmas gift, i had an issue where i went to mix some old primer that had skinned over. the skin popped and i was splashed with oil based chemical goo from tip to tail. after running the eye under water for an hour while waiting on the phone to speak with medical assistance, i was told to head to the emergency room. where i wound up with my eye under running water for another hour and a half, until someone had a chance to drop by and see me. minor chemical burn - put these eye drops in for the next 3 days, and try to be less stupid next time. yes, paraphrased, but not by much.
which leads us to this episode......

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