Monday, April 03, 2006

random thought....

  • saw a sign for a diet place (herbal magic) that had lost letters and become herbal magi. so, would that refer to "these thin kings of orient are...."?

  • i would also like to apologize to the world at large for a previous comment. last week on okami's blog i stated i had found a good use for my blackberry. i would like to go on the record stating that it was the fumes, as i was stuck in traffic. i would also like to go back to my original statement that there is no good use for a blackberry. (although i haven't tried it as a doorstop, fishing weight, or personal protection device yet).
  • i had what i thought is a good idea for a blog - but it's taking me longer than i though to get it all together. (and now i feel a lot of pressure for it to be actually funny instead of what generally passes around here).


Joe said...

I didn't want to get on you about the electronic leashes known as Blackberrys, though one might say that the good thing about driving with one is that it increases the risk of a Blackberry destroying accident.

If you get worried about not being funny, look to my blog for inspiration. Yours can't possibly be worse than that and people still read my drek.

paul said...

blackberry bad. joe's drek funny. calm blue ocean. calm blue ocean.