am i paranoid? wrong question. am i paranoid enough?
there is a conspiracy. damned medical community. i feel tired, burnt out, and have had issues breathing. go to see the doctor. part of it is lack of sleep. part of it is stress. high blood pressure (desk job full o'stress). he thinks part of it may be allergies or sinus issues.
get the sinus x-rays. nothing.
go see the allergist. lab tech must be a sadist. for that matter - the doctor must be too for the damage inflicted on the wallet. what was i thinking? (for those of you who have never been - they dot your arm in a 1" grid on the inside forearm, apply a liquid concentrate of the various items, and then use a lancet to pierce your skin. you then wait to see how you react).
i have allergies - mostly food, couple others i was tested for as a kid years ago. guess which ones flared up immediately? so before she even finishes the one arm, half of it is covered in welts, with a flaming red rash. by the time she moved onto the other arm, the entire first arm flared. the second arm, oddly enough, hardly reacted.
go sit. wait. half an hour. don't scratch. don't even look at them.
that. is. a. long half-hour.
additional testing required. round two. then the bill.
i used to think that the medical community was serious about helping people. saving lives. making things better. i'm not so convinced these days. recently watched mission impossible 2 - where someone invents a terrible virus, and then the cure. can't peddle the cure without the disease.
i've often wondered, how much research is bought out and crushed. or delayed so they can make their money. and i know it's not just the drug companies - the same goes for the energy companies i'm sure.
it just left me a little discouraged to spend the day suffering, with a large bill, to find out - pretty much what i already knew.
thanks doc. i'm sure glad your years of medical training came up with the same thing my common sense did.
oh yes - the final advice? your cats are the problem. do something about them. i think i will. i'll go home and sit with them both on my lap and pet them so my blood pressure drops to normal after your bill. and the shock of the cost of an epinephrine pen. i can only guess your parents deprived you of a pet as a child, and your medical training has tightened your sphincter so tight you can't get your head out.
amusingly enough, i overheard another fellow sufferer say "i already know i'm allergic to dogs, but damned if i'm getting rid of mine." they're family. actually, they're better than some of my family.
in other news
on the good side.....
it's been warm out. nice lovely balmy temperatures. (to be honest, it's been a hotter spring than many of our summers). so i've been out with the boy when i can since it's so nice out.
on the bad side....
i have lots of exterior home projects that need to get done in the next short bit. but i will be around.
6 months ago
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